Not going to write much today as I have to get out and celebrate St Patrick's Day like a good Australian? Yeah, I'm sure that's totally something we do. First though, I have to say how mind-blowing yesterday was. My electric mermaid scale nails got me three times as much traffic as I've ever had in the past and that's just amazing. Thank you to everyone reading this, you are all the best people ever!
On that note, capitalising on both the day and the mani from yesterday so behold: St Patricks Day Mermaid Nails! You can see this post for information on how to do this, if you're curious :)
If you're interested, this is the glitter I've been using for the past week or so.
omg how amazing is that!!
I was wondering whether it would be possible to remove the captcha/word verification setting. Google has made them harder lately and it's really hard work to read them, making commenting difficult. If you are concerned about the spammers, you can turn on the 'comments on approval' setting? I meant this the nicest possible way, I love commenting, and silly captcha/word verification is spoiling the joy I have with commenting. xx