As I just mentioned in the other post I did five minutes ago, I love trawling ebay for glitter. I have an entire small gift bag full of different pots of glitter and I love it so much. My latest favourite is a holo small hex glitter in gold. It's so sparkly in person, it's all I can do not take a bath in it or just throw it all over every single thing I do. Today I wanted to do a full nail with it and wanted to use a base polish that would match it in terms of sparkly holo goodness. Of course that would have to be China Glaze I'm Not Lion from the On Safari collection. It may not be the same gold but I love it all the same.
To start, I added three coats of I'm Not Lying to each nail. It's the most amazing ultra-micro soft gold holo polish. My lightbox completely saps any and all holo-ness so I attempted to use a flash to capture the sparkly. It worked but makes my fingers look horrible! I don't photoshop my fingers and it's amazing the different lighting can make! Next, I used my usual technique to add a flashy accent nail. I went a bit cross-eyed putting the glitter on a sparkly base which is why things are bit wonky in the middle but overall I'm happy with the result. Having just the one nail stand out like this makes for a really interesting effect.
The Verdict: Hot damn, the difference between a flash and a lightbox is blowing my mind. Yay sparklies!
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