So I got some glitter in the mail last week from In it, was a bunch of glitter colours small square glitter in a mixture of metallic and holo finishes. You surely know what's coming right? With a long weekend of not much happening because I'm Australian and have no family in Canada? That's right. ALL. THE. FREAKING. GLITTER.
I posted a picture of this on Instagram earlier this morning and the response was predictable: awesome, but who has the time?? I DO. I will sacrifice as much time as I need to to show you maximum sparklies!
Right, so I did the usual start, three coats of black polish. My top coat is running low so I tried an experiment with the glue that came with my nail foils which is pretty much just PVA glue. It worked ok, and was good for not creating build up but gets glue everywhere. If I had to rank adhesives, it would go new cheap top coat, glue, old cheap top coat that's gluggy, Seche Vite. You will cry trying to use Seche Vite to stick glitter on. Use it for when you're done. Anyway, so usual technique with the glitter which is to start with a column down the middle of your nail then build out each side. With so much glitter, do very thin stripes of top coat at a time. It gets very thick very quickly and your glitter can look uneven. For the ends of my nails, I stuck the pieces on then trimmed them when they dried. I cut the pieces beforehand for around my cuticles.
The Verdict: I wish my gold glitter was properly gold, I wish I'd added that extra bit of glitter on the ends of my index and middle fingers, I wish I'd cleaned up just a bit more but otherwise I guess it's ok :P. It's just when you spend this long - I'm not even sure how long really, at this point - you want it to be perfect. NEXT TIME I WILL HAVE PERFECTION.
finding the best products and deals. To find the perfect glitter lamp for you worry-free, check out Glitter for crafts